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Hewlett-Packard D5468AT-ABA ALONPAV Driver Scan Result

PC Name:
OS: Microsoft TomexOS LTSC/64bits

The Hewlett-Packard D5468AT-ABA ALONPAV is an all-in-one desktop computer designed for both home and office use. It features a compact, space-saving design with integrated components, including a display, processor, and storage in one unit. Known for its reliable performance, this model offers essential computing features for everyday tasks such as web browsing, office applications, and media consumption. It provides an efficient solution for users seeking a clean, minimalistic setup.

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Driver name Manufacturer Version Date Download
Controladora de host VIA compatible con OHCI 1394 Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (2- High Definition Audio Device) Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2019-12-06 Good
Equipo basado en x64 ACPI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Adaptador de pantalla básico de Microsoft Microsoft 10.0.19041.868 2006-06-21 Update
ATA Channel 1 Microsoft 10.0.19041.1288 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora estándar PCI IDE de doble canal Microsoft 10.0.19041.1288 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.868 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de control del consumidor compatible con HID Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.868 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador del sistema compatible con HID Microsoft 10.0.19041.868 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de entrada USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.868 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de teclado HID Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo de High Definition Audio Microsoft 10.0.19041.264 2020-05-09 Update
In-Build CX11256 modem Microsoft 2008-11-15 Update
Monitor genérico que no es PnP Microsoft 10.0.19041.1151 2006-06-21 Good
Mouse compatible con HID Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller Microsoft 2012-02-23 Good
Cola de impresión raíz Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Fax Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
AMD Phenom(tm) 8650 Triple-Core Processor Microsoft 10.0.19041.546 2009-04-21 Good
Controladora serie ATA NVIDIA nForce NVIDIA Corporation 2017-01-06 Good
Puente PCI de CPU host estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Procesador de datos numéricos Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora PCI de RAM estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Zona térmica ACPI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Altavoz del sistema Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI a PCI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI de CPU host estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Temporizador del sistema Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Complejo raíz PCI Express Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Sistema Microsoft compatible con ACPI Microsoft 10.0.19041.964 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI de CPU host estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI ISA estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI a PCI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Botón de característica fija ACPI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Temporizador de eventos de alta precisión Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI de CPU host estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Sistema CMOS/reloj en tiempo real Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora programable de interrupciones Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Ventilador ACPI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI a PCI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora de acceso directo a memoria Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora PCI Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Puente PCI de CPU host estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora PCI de RAM estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1202 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora de High Definition Audio Microsoft 10.0.19041.1081 2021-06-08 Good
Concentrador raíz USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo compuesto USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.488 2006-06-21 Good
Dispositivo compuesto USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.488 2006-06-21 Good
Concentrador raíz USB Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar Microsoft 10.0.19041.1 2006-06-21 Good